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The Polar Vortex

Well, the winter in Chicago has not been to bad but the polar vortex was the worst part of the cold winter. I thought that coming to Chicago the hardest part was going to be me getting through the winter. I have gotten through the polar vortex, but the hardest part of the weather change is getting sick when drastic weather change happens. I never thought that being away from the rural area would really effect my health this year. Don't get me wrong when I have loved being in Chicago. It is just hard to be sick, when you're in a different place. One of the hardest parts about being sick is trying to figure out if you should or should not go to the doctor. The doctors office is expensive, and the medicine they give you sometimes is expensive too. I am on a budget and having to take care of my health and my expenses (personal care products, things that I get to treat myself every once in a while etc.) I have had help with some of the expenses so I do not go fully broke. Besides being really sick this year, I have learned a lot about my body and what it needs. My body is very sensitive to the weather change, and the over all change in air. My body a good couple of weeks to get acclimated with the new air quality and to weather certain plants are growing during a certain time. Hardly any plants have grown this winter but what I have heard is that Chicago may be getting an early spring. Spring is not my time of the year to shine but I am going to push through, and do the best I can with what I have. I just wanted to give everyone a little update with my life. I am not trying to make you feel bad for me in any way. I just like telling you all about my ups and downs of this year, because they have truly shaped me in different ways than I though I was going to be shaped.

God Bless,

Ruth Boggs

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